
The following content is excerpted from “Academic Writing for Graduate Student, Essential Tasks and Skills, 3rd Edition”

How to write a article

  • Audience
  • Purpose
  • organization
  • style
  • flow
  • presentation


  • like a textbook (instructorial)
  • display (to those more knowledgable )


academic style differs from one area of study to another

formal language for academic passive voice


Example: stuff, things, a bit, bunch, or a whole lot of (They may also use elaborate metaphors and other vivid expressions to enliven their speaking style.)

  • use of I
  • sentence-initial: but
  • consider the case of

choose the one that most efficiently and accurately gets your point across.

Language Focus: The Vocabulary Shift—Verbs

Task Fourteen (1 & 2)


Ex ??

  1. In addition to herbs, animal products are employed in some forms of traditional medicine frequently.
  2. Some forms of traditional medicine freque

Ex 5

  1. There are several studies in …. that hvae shown that when…
  2. Some studies in … have concluded that

Ex 6

  1. … and so on


in textbook P395

Every nonus need to be care about countability.

  • Countable(C) / Uncountable(NC)


Textbook P28

  • Using Google Scholar to Identify Potentially Useful Words and Phrases

    Example: Search sentence " Many studies have * “in google schalor, you can find alternative word.

  • Online corpus

    • WebCrop
    • Michigan Corpus MICUSP
    • British Academic Written English (BAWE) corpus BAWE
    • Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
  • Corpus Analysis Tool