
textbook P30

  • Transitional phrase, Ex: moreover, furthermore, however ……etc

  • ___, thus Ving (?)-

  • This/These, P43

  • For exmaple/instance

  • Odd-to-new information flow

    flow - moving from one statement in a text to the next. Establishing a clear connection of ideas is important to help your reader follow the text

Flow by transitional phrase

P30 Example :


{% asset_img 2016-09-26-academic-writing-for-graduate-student-1/paragraph.png }


{% asset_img 2016-09-26-academic-writing-for-graduate-student-1/paragraph_structure.png }

Flow by odd-to-new

find S, V

Although most major companies provide their employees with email accounts as well as internet access__[,]__ Many of these companies are concerned about potential abuse and monitor their employees’ use of these media. In fact, more than 75% of all major corporations report that they monitor their employees’ use of email and internet access either by spot-checking or constant surveillance. Businesses have many reasons for monitoring email and internet use__[; For]__ example__[,]__ they may be concerned about protecting sensitive company information. [In addition,] they may be worried about lawsuits arising from sexual harassment because of mass mailing of offensive jokes. They may also want to identify employees who are surfing the internet rather than working. In other words they are concerned about cyberslacking.


  • little study = no comprehensive study
  • be claer and concise
  • mid adverb position
  • comma in transitional phrase EX: moreover, can be used as emphasized
    • ….;however, ….
  • S+V, and S+V. fanboys: for and nor but or yet so
  • S+V; S+V .
  • If/because S+V, S+V.


  • reference: tx