Master’s thesis

Doctoral thesis / Dissertation (Dr.)


Flow of ideas is good >= grammar errors

  1. Does the information flow in an expected manner
  2. Consider the overall format of your written work
  3. Proofread for grammatical accuracy.
  4. Check for misspelled words, even if you have spell-checked your work
  • Writing in a formal academic style
  • Being cautious about generalizations
  • Using references to support your points
  • Reevaluating the work of authorities in the field
  • Expressing enthusiasm and commitment (wrong, use may and lift some room)

Chapter 2 : General-Specific


the structure of these texts involves movement from broader statements to more specific ones. {% asset_img GS_structure.png %}

Begining: Opening sentence

  • short and extend definition
  • a statement of fact
  • a generalization
  • purpose statement
  • interesting statistics
  • Quotation

General Statement you anticipate readers are likely to accept can be effective opening sentences.

  • Perfect tense (完成式)
  • Present tense (現在式)

Begining: Opening with Statistics

Attention Getter is suitable for report assignment, However, selden occuring in acedamic

Writing a Definition

verb, name verb, denote verb, is called known as be defined as verb, refer to

The Grammar of Definitions

The Online Writing Lab at Purdue (OWL)