Here is short summary

  • Your time and attention are limited resource, so you should safegaurd them and invest them on important things
  • Happiness comes from shipping meaningful work and thing
  • Keep the momentum going when trying to change your situation in game

Safegaurd your attention

My mentor has decided to stop mentoring me due to personal reasons. The most important thing I learned in our last session was how to safegaurd your attention and priorize your things clearly. He rearranged his time and attention to focus on things that are more important in his life.

This experience has made me think about two things. First, I should take a step back and analyze the meaning behind every behavior. Is it worth my attention, or is it distracting me from my goals? Second, I need to proactively plan the only important things I must do and say no to the other things.

About Happiness

People don’t want to waste time on things that don’t matter, but sometimes we have to do things we don’t like. To avoid this, we should focus on meaningful tasks at work and in our daily work. We can do this by identifying tasks that have a real impact and doing them effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, we should try to spend as little time as possible on tasks that don’t matter.

Try to change your situation in game

It’s important to always think about how to improve your career and life. Don’t stop thinking about this. There are several aspects to consider when making changes. First, you need to understand your game, your role, the rules, the players, and relationships. Think about it as if it’s a game theory problem. Analyze the situation and figure out what the turning point is and what your next steps should be to change your situation
